Visit to Mumbai
This year 48 students and 6 members of staff went to Mumbai to visit Prem Dan. We took 17 trunks full of educational materials, two boxes of donated children’s books, and a bag full of football kits donated by a parent.
During the first few days the students did workshops with the young children at the Garden School, each one was 3 hours long and the children engaged in a variety of activities our students had planned in the months leading up to the trip. Older children sponsored through Prem Dan also came to spend time with us and again we played games including cricket, football, badminton and basketball.
For the final part of the trip this year we travelled by overnight train to Nagpur, from there we travelled to Tadoba where we went on two safaris in Tadoba National Park. We were lucky enough to see sloth bears, spotted deer and several tigers to the delight of all the students and staff.