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Sport & Physical Activity

Cambridge Technical in Sport and Physical Activity Extended Certificate provides students with practical opportunities to develop relevant core knowledge and skills. Students further develop their skills through specialist pathways that help them deliver sport and physical activity to a wide range of participants. This is a single option and has external assessments (exams) that contribute toward the final grade.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board OCR
Level Level 3
Qualification Extended Certificate
Assessment Method 5 units in total with 2 of them being an exam.
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of a sports student

Sport and Physical Activity focus on the knowledge, understanding and skills that today’s universities and employers demand. You will practically apply your knowledge and skills in preparation for further study or the workplace.

You will attain outstanding organisation and time management skills that will enable you to succeed on the course and in your future careers. This is a practical based subject with students developing professional, social and interaction skills between peers, teams and organisations in the local community.

The course provides you with the knowledge and skills required for progression – making sure you’re prepared to progress to degree level, an apprenticeship or employment.

There are three mandatory units; Unit 1 Body Systems & the effects of Physical Activity and Unit 3 Sports Organisation & Development that’s assessed by a written exam made up of short or long answer questions. Plus, Unit 2 Sports Coaching & Leadership which is an internally assessed unit. Over the 2 years you will also study a range of other units that will test your ability to use technology effectively to analyse performance. You will be tasked with having the responsibility of leading large groups for a number of sporting events. At the end of your 2 years you will achieve the equivalent of 1 A-Level.

Undergraduate courses in PE/Sport Science/Sport Studies/PE Teaching.

University of Buxton, Coaching in local schools, Outdoor Education centres, Football Museum.

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