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The Advancing Physics course shows how Physics is exciting, always developing, of great practical use in many ways and in many careers, as well as probing some of the deepest[...]

Photograph of a physics student stood in front of a whiteboard.

Environmental Science

This course provides an ideal base for employment, for example, ecology and wildlife conservation, land management, town planning, architecture, forestry, geology or climatology. Students could work for a charity like[...]

Photograph of Environmental Science student studying.


Chemistry is a linear A level course that requires, and develops, a variety of skills from mathematical calculations and problem solving to analysis and practical skills.

Photograph of chemistry students performing an experiment


Biology involves the study of a wide range of exciting topics, ranging from molecular biology to the study of ecosystems and from micro-organisms to mammoths. Biology is never far from[...]

Photograph of a biology student with books and some plants.

Applied Science BTEC

BTEC Nationals are widely recognised by industry and higher education as the signature vocational qualification at Level 3. They provide progression to the workplace either directly or via study at[...]

Photograph of an applied science student conducting an experiment