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Biology involves the study of a wide range of exciting topics, ranging from molecular biology to the study of ecosystems and from micro-organisms to mammoths. Biology is never far from the headlines either. The human genome has been sequenced and we know the complete arrangement of the three thousand million bases that make up human DNA which is driving exciting new avenues of research and medical advancement.

Qualifications & Assessments

Exam Board AQA
Level Level 3
Qualification A Level
Entry Requirements Entry Requirements
Photograph of some plants an A level Biology study books.

You will study 8 topics over two years: cells, how organisms exchange substances with their environments, genetic information, variation and relationships between organisms, energy transfers in and between organisms, how organisms respond to changes in their internal and external environments, genetics, populations, evolution and ecosystems and the control of gene expression and Biological Molecules.

All exams are taken at the end of the 2 year course.

  • Paper 1 is a written exam that assesses topics 1-4 (35%)
  • Paper 2 is a written exam that assesses topics 5-8 (35%)
  • Paper 3 is a written exam which assesses all topics and includes one essay from a choice of two titles (30%)

A Level Biology is a Russell group facilitating subject, it is one of the subjects most commonly required or preferred by universities.

An A level Biology qualification will enable you to study many subjects at university including:-

  • Medicine
  • Palaeobiology
  • Marine Biology
  • Conservation
  • Food Science
  • Nursing
  • Physiotherapy
  • Prosthetics
  • Radiography
  • Teaching
  • Pharmac
  • Veterinary Science
  • Ecology
  • Genetics
  • Agriculture

Throughout the course we offer many interesting and engaging trips

  • Ecology field trip to Ainsdale
  • Genetics Workshop at Nowgen
  • Biology Olympiad (Stretch and Challenge)
  • Lectures/workshops in college and the local area
  • Manchester Lit. and Phil. Society evening lectures
  • Nuffield Bursary placements

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Photograph of a student revising for a Geology exam


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Photograph of an A level maths student.


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Photograph of a physics student stood in front of a whiteboard.


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Photograph of a Psychology student studying


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Photograph of a student with a calculator
News & Blog

Latest From Aquinas

The Lower sixth A level Drama and Theatre studies went to the Bolton Octagon for a morning showing of Animal Farm. The play tells the story of the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrowing their master and taking over. They imagine it is the beginning of a life of freedom and equality for all.

Photograph of the stage at the Octagon Theatre.

As part of the Jubilee Year celebrations our students had the opportunity to visit the College chapel to see a book of 1st class and 2nd class relics which we were lucky to borrow from neighbouring Xaverian College.

Photograph of relics in the chapel

Lower six Photography students were invited on a tour of the Underbank and an opportunity to see photographs from Stockport’s archive both photographs and maps. The students have been asked to capture images that evoke & reflect the theme of ‘Lenses through time’. Looking into the rich history of Stockport’s Underbanks, in comparison to modern […]

Photograph of students visiting the Stockport Underbank area

On Thursday January 23 a group of 25 L6 and U6 IT/Computer Science students took part in a degree apprenticeship assessment centre workshop led by three apprentices from Fujitsu, one of whom was an ex-Aquinas student.

Photograph of a Fujitsu apprenticeship workshop