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Accessing Remote Learning During a Period of Isolation

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The College will continue to support the learning and education of all students who are unable to attend college due to a COVID-related isolation.

Students who need to self-isolate due to a positive COVID test are required to ask their parents/carers to email college ( with evidence of the positive test result. Where possible we would expect students to continue to attend lessons remotely via Google Classroom. Clearly, if a student is not well enough to do this due to the symptoms they are experiencing, teachers will support them in catching up with missed learning at the point they are well enough to re-engage and return to lessons. We will expect parents to email student information to update college on days where you are unwell and cannot engage with that day’s remote lessons.

Remote Lesson Protocols for Students

  • Ensure that you are punctual to lessons, logged on to your device and logged in to the lesson via Google Meet (GM).
  • You should ensure that you log in from a quiet space suitable for study and suitably dressed. Ensure the area you log in from is free from any distractions, so that your own learning and the learning of other students is not disrupted.
  • You are required to stay logged in for the duration of all lessons unless instructed otherwise by the member of staff. Ensure your device has the appropriate power supply to enable this.
  • You are expected to engage in the lesson’s content as normal and to complete any tasks set.
  • The audio microphone function must be on and muted when requested.
  • During remote learning both staff and students could experience issues with their connection or technology, it is important to stay with the lesson whilst issues are resolved.
  • Be aware that lessons (and virtual meetings) may be recorded for teaching, training or safeguarding purposes.
  • You must adhere to the College’s IT Acceptable Use Policy at all times. You can view this via the documents tab on your MyAquinas page. Any malpractice in this regard may have serious repercussions.
  • You may wish to blur your background when using a camera on GM. If needed, please ask your group tutor for help doing this.

Studentship Expectations while absent from college due to COVID-19

If you are experiencing mild symptoms and are able to continue to study at home and attend lessons remotely, the following are expected:

  • Check MyAquinas daily for attendance notifications, screen messages or lesson change notifications including staff absence.
  • Communicate effectively with all of your teachers. This includes, checking your college email regularly, at least once a day and responding, where appropriate, in a timely manner.
  • You may wish to email staff outside of college hours but please don’t expect responses to questions outside the normal college day.
  • Google classroom notifications should be turned on or checked at least daily.
  • Complete and submit all assigned work by the required deadline.
  • Contact your subject or group tutor by email if you are experiencing any difficulties meeting deadlines or need any help or advice. Continue to complete a range of effective independent learning tasks, ensuring that you meet the college guidelines of 5 hours per week per subject to support your progress.