Lower six Photography students were invited on a tour of the Underbank area of Stockport with an opportunity to see photographs from Stockport’s archive both photographs and maps. The students have been asked to capture images that evoke and reflect the theme of ‘Lenses through time’. Looking into the rich history of Stockport’s Underbanks, in comparison to modern day.
Students were given an insightful talk around key events and landmarks in the area to help inform the photographs they may take.
Students work will then be submitted to Rebecca Goddard at Stockport Council who heads the Development and Regeneration projects and Gwen Riley-Jones who is the Creative Programme Manager at the new Arts and Culture Hub Stockroom which is due to open in the centre of Stockport soon. The winners work will then be exhibited in Stockroom which is a great opportunity for our students.
Further Information
You can find out more about our Photography course by using the Photography A level course page.